B.C. Air Filter, through representation of one of the world’s largest filter manufacturers, Parker HVAC, can now offer Total Filtration Management. Total Filtration Management brings together the products, the experience and the expertise of Parker HVAC’s filtration companies to provide all your filter needs from a single source. Providing the best filtration, on time, directly to each of your company’s locations, to protect people, equipment, and the environment.
Single source control for all of your filtration requirements. B.C. Air Filter can now offer product scope and quality absolutely unequalled in British Columbia.
- Total Filtration Management Services
- NAFA Clean Air Award Program
- Education
- System Surveys & Assessments.
- Installation
- Coil Cleaning
- Induction Unit Cleaning
- Pre-scheduled Automatic Order Delivery.
- Filter Recycling
The Importance of Air Filtration
Air filtration supplies the means to obtain the level of particulate cleanliness required by any definition of “air conditioning.” It extends from the simple task of preventing lint and other debris from plugging heating/cooling coils to removing particles as small as 0.1 micron which could cause a short circuit on a microchip.
In addition to the reasons given above, air filters are used for a wide variety of purposes, some of which include:
- Protecting the general well‐being of the occupants of a space
- Protecting the decor of occupied spaces by removing the staining portion of airborne dust
- Reducing maintenance of building interiors by reducing the frequency of washing such items as Venetian blinds and fluorescent bulbs
- Protecting the contents of occupied spaces including paintings, tapestries, and other items of historic or cultural value
- Elimination of fire hazards by removing lint and other materials which might accumulate in ductwork
- Extension of shelf life of perishable dairy products by removing airborne mold during processing operations
- Removing airborne bacteria from operating room air to help prevent postoperative infection.

Understanding MERV
The MERV is a single number that is used, along with the air velocity at which the test was performed, to simplify the extensive data generated by the method of testing.
How to Select the Right Filter
NAFA’s ASHRAE Standard 52.2 – 2018
This ASHRAE Standard 52.2 User Guide was created by the National Air Filtration Association NAFA. This Guide, and the application of a particle-based contaminant removal standard prescribed by ASHRAE Standard 52.2, are intended to assist end-users and specifiers in their selection of appropriate air filtration products. NAFA suggests the integrated use of standards 52.1 and 52.2 to indicate anticipated performance throughout the useful life of the filter.
B.C. Air Filter, through representation of one of the world’s largest filter manufacturers, Clarcor, can now offer Total Filtration Management. Total Filtration Management brings together the products, the experience and the expertise of Clarcor’s filtration companies to provide all your filter needs from a single source. Providing the best filtration, on time, directly to each of your company’s locations, to protect people, equipment, and the environment.
Single source control for all of your filtration requirements. B.C. Air Filter can now offer product scope and quality absolutely unequalled in British Columbia.
- Total filtration management services
- Single-source supply and accountability
- Filter installation, supervision and inspection
- Full-time technical support
- Inventory management
- Training programs / continuing education
- Waste reduction and recycling programs
- Cost reduction