LEED Initiative

What is Green Building and Why is it important?

A green or sustainable building is one where the practice of utilizing resources and techniques in a more ecological and resource-efficient manner is used to improve and provide a healthier environment. By using energy, water and other resources more efficiently, we reduce the overall impact to the environment and minimize excess pollution and waste.

LEED is a framework for assessing building performance and meeting sustainability goals. The Canadian rating systems are an adaptation of the US Green Building Council’s (USGBC). LEED Green Building Rating System, tailored specifically for Canadian climates, construction practices and regulations. The rating systems are adapted to the Canadian market through an inclusive process that engages stakeholders and experts representing the various sectors of the Canadian industry. LEED promotes whole-building design practices, recognizes environmental leadership in building industry, stimulates green competition, raises consumer awareness of green building benefits and transforms the building market into a more environmentally responsible entity.

Earning LEED 2.2 Certification

LEED v2.2 Certification of new building construction and major renovation projects measures 69 possible points and awards four levels of certification:

    • Certified 26-32 points
    • Silver 33-38 points
    • Gold 39-51 points
    • Platinum 52-69 points

Components relating to air filtration can account for up to 23 of the possible 69 points. Reducing energy is the strongest credit component. If the engineer uses MERV 13 filtration or higher while decreasing the energy used by the system, more LEED credits can be achieved. In a two-stage system, reducing prefiltration resistance can also garner LEED credit. Reducing the system velocity at the filter bank (i.e. Reducing from 500fpm too 300fpm) can reduce resistance as much as 2/3 and triple the life of filters.

B.C. Air Filter, with their partner Parker HVAC, offers a full range of high-efficiency HVAC products with MERV 13 or higher ratings. Upgrading to our high-efficiency filters can improve your overall certification points with the added benefit of reducing small and large particulate emission through outside-air exhausts, reducing indoor-airborne irritants, and reducing microbial growth.


Rating Category

Air-Filtration Strategy

Points Available

Energy & Atmosphere Prerequisite 2:
Minimum Energy Performance
Use an energy-analysis tool to understand the impact of filter airflow resistance on HVAC-system energy costs. REQUIRED
Energy & Atmosphere Credit 1:
Optimize Energy Performance
Complete a life cycle and energy-cost analysis on the HVAC filter system and switch to a lower-resistance air filter. 10
Energy & Atmosphere Credit 3.1:
Building Operations and Maintenance:
Staff Education
Educate maintenance staff on filtration fundamentals and application of various air filtration technologies by using programs offered by the National Air Filtration Association. 1
Energy & Atmosphere Credit 5.1 to 5.3:
Performance Measurement:
Enhanced Metering
Implement metering devices to measure air distribution, static pressure, and ventilation air volumes. Utilize pressure gauges to measure resistance to airflow to determine the appropriate changeout cycle for filters. 3
Energy & Atmosphere Credit 5.4:
Performance Measurement:
Emissions Reduction Reporting
Use an energy-analysis tool to determine the amount of energy saved and greenhouse-gas emissions reduced by using low-resistance air filters. Utilize high-efficiency air filters (MERV 14 or 15) to reduce small-and large-particulate emission through outside-air exhausts. 1
Materials & Resources Prerequisite 1.1:
Source Reduction and Waste Management :
Waste Management Policy and Waste Stream Audit
Switch from standard-capacity filters and/or bag-style filters to minipleat V-bank final filters. This extends filter life to reduce changeouts and waste streams while minimizing resistance to airflow. REQUIRED
Indoor Environmental Quality Credit 3:
Construction IAQ Management Plan
Install MERV 8 Filters at each return air grille for air handlers used during construction. Conduct a two-week building flushout with new air filters and 100-percent outdoor air prior to occupancy. 1
Indoor Environment Quality Credit 4.1:
Documenting Productivity Impacts:
Absenteeism and Health Care Cost Impacts
Install MERV 14 or 15 air filters to help reduce airborne irritants that can lead to health problems. Document absenteeism after filter upgrades. 1
Indoor Environmental Quality Credit 5.1:
Indoor Chemical and Pollutant Source Control
Install MERV 13 air filters. Follow a regular schedule for air-filter maintenance to keep unfiltered bypass air from entering ductwork and breathing air. Utilize air filters made with synthetic media to minimize airflow resistance and eliminate chances of fiber shedding. 1
Indoor Environmental Quality Credit 9:
Contemporary IAQ Practice
Upgrade from a MERV 13 to a MERV 14 or 15 air filter, or upgrade to filters made with synthetic media, which typically have lower airflow resistance and do not absorb moisture or promote micobrial growth. 1
Innovation in Upgrades, Operations and Maintenance Credit 1:
Innovation in Upgrades, Operations and Maintenance
Document supplier source reductions, use air filters with recycled content, and utilize gaskets on all filters and holding frames. 4
TOTAL = 23

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